Have an unforgettable stay on Dousberg 
in the South Limburg hills

Have an unforgettable stay on Dousberg
in the South Limburg hills

Dousberg in Maastricht

  • National history from the Eighty Years’ War
  • Everything for a princely stay
  • Accommodation units for 2 to 20 guests

Dousberg in Maastricht, where Dormio Resort Maastricht is situated, is an interesting location of national historical interest. In 1568, when the Eighty Years’ War started, the Spanish occupier set up camp here under the leadership of the Duke of Alva to avoid a battle against the troops of William of Orange. This event is proudly referred to in the eleventh verse of the Dutch national anthem, Het Wilhelmus:

“A stride on steed of mettle I've waited with my host the tyrant's call to battle, who durst not do his boast. For, near Maastricht ensconced, he feared the force I wield. My horsemen saw one bounce it bravely across the field.”

Book your stay on Dousberg

Dousberg in Dutch history

Maastricht is mentioned in Het Wilhelmus because this is where the Eighty Years’ War (the revolt of the Low Countries against the Spanish occupier) started. William of Orange tried to cross the River Maas three times and to fight his way from there to Brussels, the capital of the Low Countries at the time. The Duke of Alva did not take the bait and neglected the challenges of William of Orange. Alva literally looked down upon him: he had a “princely” seat on top of Dousberg, observed William of Orange and refused to engage in battle.

Book your stay in Maastricht
Dousberg and Dormio Resort Maastricht

Dousberg and Dormio Resort Maastricht

In honour of Dousberg and its place in Dutch history, several names at the resort refer to the notorious period from the Eighty Years’ War. The central square of Dormio Resort Maastricht bears the name “Het Wilhelmus”. The hotel that was opened on this square in 2018 is called Dormio Hotel De Prins van Oranje: the Prince of Orange.

Street names on top of Dousberg

Street names on top of Dousberg

Several street names at our resort on top of Dousberg have been named after protagonists from the Eighty Years’ War, in particular people who were active in the southern part of the Low Countries at the time.

Dukdalf: Duc d'Albe is the French name for the Duke of Alva.
Pappenheim: Graaf Gottfried Heinrich zu Pappenheim was one of the commanders of the Spanish Netherlands.
De Stedendwinger: Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange was the son of William of Orange. He was given the nickname de Stedendwinger (''The City Conqueror'') because he successfully conquered several towns in the Southern Netherlands.
Spinola: Spinola was sent to the Netherlands by the Spanish king in 1601 and was appointed commander-in-chief of the Southern Netherlands.
Perceval: Perceval was one of the Knights of the legendary King Arthur.

Princely treatment on top of Dousberg

Princely treatment on top of Dousberg

Would you also like to be treated like a prince on top of Dousberg? Book your stay in one of the wonderful holiday homes or apartments at Dormio Resort Maastricht. You can also spend the night in a luxury hotel apartment or hotel suite in Dormio Hotel De Prins van Oranje. From this unique place on top of Dousberg you have great views of this site of historical importance to the Southern Netherlands.